Member Terms

All members agree to the  full terms and conditions of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics  Membership is non-refundable.


Announcing and Advertising Membership in the AAFE

All AAFE members in good standing will be allowed to announce and advertise their membership in the AAFE as governed by the following guidelines:

  • A “member in good standing” is defined as a member who has signed and returned his/her membership application or dues renewal statement, confirming the member’s commitment to abide by the terms and conditions of the AAFE as well as AAFE policies and decisions of duly constituted boards and committees of the AAFE, as well as the AAFE’s Guidelines for Advertising Membership and whose membership dues are current.
  • Those members who have announced and/or advertised their membership in the AAFE, but have not paid their yearly dues, will be so notified by the AAFE. If the member’s dues are not paid within 30 days of notification, the appropriate licensing body will be informed of that person’s fraudulent advertising. Likewise, if a non-member announces and/or advertises membership in the AAFE, both they and the appropriate licensing body will be informed regarding fraudulent advertising. The AAFE may, in its discretion, take legal or other action against persons infringing upon its trademarks and illegal use of its logo.
  • All AAFE Members may use the AAFE logo and state that they are members in both announcements and advertising. Since the general public may not be familiar with the AAFE, it is recommended to spell out “American Academy of Facial Esthetics” although it is not required.
  •  Since membership in the American Academy of Facial Esthetics is open to all, membership in itself should not be used as a credential. Therefore, members may not use the letters “AAFE” alone after their names, e.g. “John Doe, DDS, AAFE.” Members are encouraged to publicize their membership in the appropriate form, e.g. “John Doe, DDS, Member of the AAFE,” or, better, “John Doe, DDS, Member of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics.”

Use of the AAFE Logo

Logos are available from the AAFE Office. The logos provided for use by the various classes of membership may not be altered in any way. Logos may only be used by members in good standing exactly as is with no alterations. All members in good standing are welcome to use the AAFE logo. Please note the following guidelines:

  •  Logos stating “Fellow,” “Master,” “General Member,” “Associate Member,” and “Accredited Member” are only for use by members who fall into those categories, as listed above.
  • While use of the AAFE name and logo are permitted in conjunction with announcing membership, the advertisement should not imply that the AAFE is endorsing, sponsoring or recommending the practice or services offered. The AAFE’s name should not be set in a type size larger than that used for the member(s) name(s). The type size utilized should be similar as that used for announcement of membership in other associations such as the American Dental Association.
  •  Any misrepresentations or misleading statements are not permitted. If a member’s representation or statements are found to be misleading after 30 days from notification, the appropriate licensing body will be informed of that person’s fraudulent advertising. Likewise, if a non-member misrepresents themselves,both they and the appropriate licensing body will be informed regarding fraudulent advertising. The AAFE may, in its discretion, take legal or other action against persons infringing upon its trademarks.
  •  Questions regarding the appropriate use of the AAFE logo should be submitted to the AAFE Office for review.