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Weight Loss Treatments

One of the new well know non invasive weight loss treatments is Mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction for men and women. It also helps in back pain therapy. It reduces cellulite and fat on all parts of the body. Mesotherapy uses micro-injections of conventional or homeopathic medications into the middle layer of the skin to deliver nutrients to a specific area of the body.

Many patients can lose 2-5 inches in the treated area. Mesotherapy can enhance the appearance of men and women of all ages while boosting self esteem. This procedure is not for obese people. It doesn’t replace any normal regimen of proper dieting and fitness; however, Mesotherapy can offer help to dissolve excess unwanted deposits in many areas of the body and is excellent for treating cellulite.

What are the benefits of Mesotherapy?

  • No surgery–no girdles or bandages-no surgery risks
  • Little or no downtime procedure. Average treatment time 20-50 minutes.
  • You can return to work or to your normal activities immediately for most body areas
  • Successfully targets cellulite and significantly improves cellulite-long term
  • Melts fat
  • Breaks down sclerotic tissue
  • Improves local blood flow
  • Improves lymph drainage
  • Rejuvenates skin
  • Softens skin
  • Mesotherapy can treat the abdomen, saddle bags, love handles etc..

What are the Benefits of Liposuction and Mesotherapy?

While liposuction is a painful invasive surgical procedure requiring 1—2 weeks recovery time, restrictive girdles and other garments for 2-4 weeks, mesotherapy is only uncomfortable, but non invasive, not painful, has a quick recovery time and no down time for most areas except for abdomen and chin areas. Also no girdles or restrictive clothing are needed. While the long term benfits of liposuction are not as stable depending on how the patient change, mesotherapy has no weight gain in the treated area. Alas, while liposuction toes not treat cellulite, mesotherapy your natural tissue function is preserved.

Mesotherapy can also be used as a form of back pain therapy based on the principles of mesotherapy reduction of cellulite and fatty tissue.