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Face Lift Overview

An aging face and sagging skin can really sap the confidence that we have about our looks. But these signs and symptoms of aging are inevitable even though they are unwelcome. Modern day techniques of skin tightening have made it possible to turn the clock backwards helping us to regain the youthful skin that does wonders to the ego. With a facelift you can boost your self esteem and defy age.

Non Surgical Face Lifts

There three general types of non surgical face lifts:

  • A energy transfer is when energy of some type warms the deep facial tissues causing some tightening of the face. This is only considered mildly effective in a pretty small percentage of people. It has its place in some cases but not the normal route taken.
  • Injectable Fillers, which is when fillers are used to restore and reshape facial volume to give a more youthful look. This can help to achieve a mini face lift by adding volume to achieve skin tightening although it can’t replicate all the details of a surgical face lift.
  • Lasers, Chemical Peels have been around for a while. With newer lasers downtime and side effects (bleaching, etc) are decreased. This only treats the face in appearance as it does not achieve face lift or added volume

These procedures can be used in combination in the right patient. Not everyone is fit for a facelift, and the same goes for these.

Facelift (rhytidectomy) Is Literally Like Giving the Face a Much Needed Lift

Face lift is a skin tightening surgery that fixes sagging skin by tightening of the tissues and muscles in the face areas. The surgery lifts the skin and repositions it. The result is skin tightening . Any excess skin is moved to prevent further sagginess. There are three face lift areas lower and middle face lift that takes care of those areas, and a mini face lift that is just enough to clear lines and sagginess without being too invasive.

Facelift (rhytidectomy) Benefits Are Well Known to Outweigh the Risks

    • Appearance. Your new look will be much better
    • No more loose skin which also allows for no more fat deposits
    • Everlasting effects
    • Looking better makes you feel better and could enhance the day to day quality of your life.

The American Academy of Facial Esthetics (AAFE) is the industry leader in providing the most updated and comprehensive training in all facial esthetic fields. We offer two full days of live hand on patient training to teach proper procedures and technique with regards to Botox® and dermal fillers. For more information about our courses and how to achieve a mini face lift check out our Botox® and Dermal Fillers Training page.